Thursday, November 6, 2008

As you know there is an election coming and soon we will cast our vote in favor of a candidate. There have been many debates over the years on what the Christian is to do with an election. In fact there is even a movement that is, in many ways, seeking to move the Church away from biblical principles. We will discuss that movement in the future, but for now what does God say through the Bible regarding how we should vote. Now because of government regulations I won’t name for you the candidate that comes the closest to biblical values, but I will show you the biblical principles involved and where each candidate stands on those issues and you will be able to figure it out. The two candidates are Barack Obama, vice presidential candidate Joe Biden, and John McCain, vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Click on their names and you will be taken to a website that shows what they believe on just about all issues through voting records and quotes. Should you have any other offices to vote for you can google those candidates or with the website on the issues and apply the same biblical principles to guide you in your choice. My goal is that you will be as informed as possible and allow Scripture to be your guide as you cast your vote this November. This article is longer than usual, so I have divided it into segments.

Do I even need to vote?

Some may think that there isn’t even any reason to vote. After all, we are just selecting the lesser of two evils aren’t we? While many times that is true, let us be reminded of the Parable of the Talents. In Matthew 25:14-29, Jesus shares that parable. He reveals that the principle is that whatever opportunities, abilities, responsibilities, etc. that we are given in life we will stand before God and be held accountable for what we did with those items. In fact, Paul reminded us “be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16). Also, those who are given a voice in a nations leadership will be held accountable. We read in Hebrews 13:17 of those who have any kind of authority that they “will give an account.” Again, we will be judged on what we did with the opportunities the Lord gave us. In your life in this country you have been given many opportunities to have a say in our nations behavior and will likely be given many more. What have you done with your opportunity and what will you do in the future. In Deuteronomy 17:14-15, we see the principle that we should seek God’s desire in the selection of a governmental leader. We also have many Scriptures that urge us to pursue righteousness, some of which are Proverbs 15:9 and 2 Timothy 2:12. We are also warned, that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Will you cast your vote in favor of righteousness? Let’s see the biblical view on some of the top issues.


In Exodus 20:13 the Lord says, “you shall not murder.” Also, we are to “honor all men,” that is we are to respect the lives of all people (2 Peter 2:17). You can see throughout Scripture that it is a sin to take an innocent life. The question is when does one become a human life. Well, here are some thoughts that the Lord reveals to us through Scripture. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). God was working in Jeremiah’s life before his birth. “For you formed my inward parts; you wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:13-14). The Lord begins creating the life in the womb. Continuing with that same thought, “Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you from the womb” (Isaiah 44:2). Also, “Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things” (Ecclesiastes 11:5). It is in the womb that the creation of human life takes place. In fact there is even human activity that takes place in the womb. “In the womb he took his brother by the heel” Hosea 12:3. Well before we even had sonograms, God revealed that there is human life inside the womb. Have you ever looked at a sonogram or pictures of what we can see in the womb or seen how early on there is a heart beat, brain activity, the bodily form, movement, reactions to outside noises? It is difficult to deny that human life is inside the womb. In fact it is at the moment of conception that a life is born, because once conception takes place that being must be killed in order to prevent a birth from taking place. The process of life begins at conception. Notice that Luke described John the Baptist in his mother’s womb as a “baby” (Luke 1:41). Job implies that there is a human death if the unborn child dies in the womb by saying “I should have been as though I had not been, carried from womb to tomb” Job 10:19. Jeremiah indicates that it is killing a life to end the life of the baby inside the womb by saying, “he did not kill me before birth” Jeremiah 20:17. So when the Lord says, “you shall not murder,” he is referring even to life within the womb. To take the life of an unborn child is murder; abortion is murder. Which candidate supports the murder of unborn children and which does not?


Now if you ask should a Christian look to outlaw homosexuality, I’m not sure of the answer to that question. However, if you ask should we keep the government from encouraging homosexuality by its’ policies? The answer is most assuredly yes. Various levels of government in our country have affirmed homosexuality by allowing gay marriages. Plus in many areas the people in the public schools, run by the government, are teaching the children that homosexuality is good and at times encouraging them to try it out. What should we do when we have a say in how our government responds to homosexuality? How does God view that lifestyle? The Lord commanded that “you shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22). Plus homosexuality is mentioned among several behaviors that are named as unrighteous and that which separates us from God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). As can be seen in Romans 1:18, 26-27 it is a sin both for men and women “For this reason God gave them over [allowed them to pursue their own desires] to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts.” It is pointed out in that chapter that of such behavior “the wrath of God” is directed towards, the behavior is labeled as “ungodliness and unrighteousness” and an “error,” and they will “receive in their own persons the due penalty of their error” (Romans 1:18, 27). Now if you are struggling with this lifestyle you can be forgiven. Remember that Paul, in referring to this lifestyle and others said that, “such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified,” meaning that you were saved from that lifestyle, showing that one can be forgiven and saved from homosexual behavior (1 Corinthians 6:11). Also, there are Christian ministries with a biblical world-view that can help you beat this struggle, such as Exodus Ministries. However, when it comes down to our vote, will you vote for the candidate that supports policies that encourage homosexuality or the one that does not? Remember that it is said, “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34). Will you vote in favor of righteousness?

Economic Responsibility

Now often the economy becomes tops on the minds of the people during an election. This years’ election the economy is very much a high priority for most people. Now in this section I want to focus on taking care of those in need and individual responsibility. Now it was Jesus who pointed out how necessary for the sake of righteousness it is for us to take care of the poor (Matthew 25:35-46). However, there isn’t even the slightest indication that government should take care of the poor. You will not find one Scripture that hints at that. Never are we told to force others to give financially to taking care of the poor. In fact if you were to study governmental organizations that are taking care of the poor and private organizations, those private organization do a far better job at helping out than the government agencies. If we were to be taxed less to support government agencies, we would be more financially free to give to private organizations that are more effective. Plus keep in mind that as individuals, God expects us to seek to provide for ourselves without the help of others, which would include the government. We are told “to make it [our] ambition…to work with [our] hands…so that [we] will…not be in any need” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12). Also, if you want to take the biblical approach to taking care of the poor, God actually gives principles in determining if a person is worthy to receive financial assistance. Paul said that, “if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either” (2 Thessalonians 3:10). Most people can contribute to society in one way or another. Each individual is to attempt to provide for themselves and not burden others. It is only those who are truly doing all they can to provide for actual needs without spending money on wants that individuals, not government, should step up and help those people out. Paul gives additional qualifications for those seeking assistance. He says they must not be “less than sixty years old,” have “a reputation for good works,” and should not be “idle” (1 Timothy 5:9-16). In fact it is in this passage that it is pointed out that the needy, after trying to provide for themselves, should seek the help of their family first, then the church. Again, there is no mention of government intervention. So when determining which candidate best represents God’s views on taking care of the poor, it would be best for there to be tax cuts to give others more financial freedom and ability to help those in need.


Now there are a few things that the Bible has to say about education. You have Proverbs 22:6 telling us that we
should train a child in the right way to live. Also Jesus warned about the judgment on those who would lead children astray (Matthew 18:5-6). In Deuteronomy 6, we are told that we should insure, specifically our own children, that they are raised to follow the Lord. The bottom line issue is that we should desire to and if we have opportunity to make it happen, assure that the children of our country are being taught righteousness and truth. Sadly, this is not the case in many instances in our country. Our children are being taught sexual immorality and evolution as if they are good and factual. We should seek to change this when we go to the ballot box.

Debatable issues

Scripture is pretty clear on the above issues and there cannot be any leeway. However, the below issues are debatable, but some have attempted to make them non-negotiable. They are debatable issues because there is some scriptural support for both sides.


Those in opposition to all war would sight the ten commandments in Deuteronomy and Leviticus about “You shall not commit murder” and the turn the other cheek concept that Jesus put forth in Matthew 5:38-42. Therefore, those who are anti-war would have some scriptural grounds for their view. However, there are some scriptural considerations to make in trying to determine if God is in opposition to all wars. Consider the fact that God desired and directed the Israelites to go to literal wars and battles. “When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt is with you” (Deuteronomy 20:1). Additional times of God favoring war are Numbers 21:34 and 22:2-4; Deuteronomy 20:1-9; Joshua 1:12-15, 8:14-29, 11:1-6; Judges 3:1-2, 12:1-3; 2 Samuel 22:35; Psalm 18:34; and Ecclesiastes 3:8. Plus note that we are commanded not to murder; Scripture does not say you shall not kill. Now what is the difference you may ask. Well, murder is the unjust taking of a life and to kill is anytime you take a life. There may be times that it is just for a life to be taken, i.e., war above. Plus note that Paul reveals that those in positions of authority have authority to take a life or hand out physical punishment. He said, “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God…if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, and avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil” (Romans 13:1-7). With that in mind, Jesus’ discussion on turning the other cheek in Matthew 5:38-42 is likely ethics for individuals, while Romans 13 is a discussion on what authority figures roles are. For these reasons, war is a debatable issue and a difficult one to base your vote on scripturally.


We must also consider environmental issues. Now I have written an article on the Scriptural perspective on global warming. Please click here to see that article. Understand that the Scripture teaches us to be respectable to the earth and animals, but to use them to our benefit. Scripture does not teach that we can save the planet and that can be seen in the above mentioned article. Plus if you research this environmental science, you will find that many scientist disagree with it. Now to vote on a candidate based on a very small amount of Scriptural support and questionable science is not a good choice.

Health Care and economy

Another issue of consideration is health care and the economy. Please note my above comments on economic responsibility. There is no scriptural support for mandating the government to take care of these items by using tax payers money. You do not find a Robin Hood in the Bible either. There is an individual responsibility when it comes to helping the poor. Also, just as in environmental issues, there is much debate over what are the best steps to take to make a good economy or a good health care system. Yet again, it is not good to make a presidential choice based on little to no scripture and issues that are highly debatable.

The election

The choice is between Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin. Please take the above information to heart, research these candidates for yourself with the links in the first paragraph, and vote for the candidate that is the most scriptural. There are three debatable issues and four issues that are non-negotiable. Please be wise. If there is a candidate that thinks like you on the three debatable issues, but is in opposition to any of the non-negotiable issues, chose the one that sides with the Bible on the non-negotiable issues. If it comes down to candidate A is on our side on just one of the non-negotiable issues and is in opposition to your position on the three debatable issues and candidate B is opposed to the Bibles’ position on all the non-negotiable issues, but is on your side for all three of the debatable issues, your choice should be candidate A. We must set aside our preferences on debatable issues and vote for the candidate that is more for a biblical approach to the non negotiable issues. Please vote in submission to the Bible.